Amaze Me Monday #5

    Merry Christmas Everyone!


    I had a lovely holiday weekend with the family.  I pulled off a Christmas miracle and finished all my holiday shopping by Thursday.  How is that a miracle???  It is a miracle when you start your shopping the Thursday prior!  Yep, I totally add a good 10 years to myself for waiting so long! 

    On Christmas Eve I put together a simple dinner for my parents.   We had nice meal and a watched a movie afterwards.    On Christmas morning the hubby got me up at 4:00 am!  I still had four large presents that need to be wrapped, stockings to stuff, and homemade cinnamon buns to make (a Christmas morning tradition).  The kids came stomping down the stairs a few hours later.  It would appear that I did well in my week of mad crazy shopping  because I had  three happy campers once everything was unwrapped!  Whew  Before heading over to my parents house, the hubby and I snuck in a quick nap!  It wasn’t longer than 20 minutes but it sure was enough to keep me from feeling like a zombie the rest of the day.  Today I packed up all the Christmas decorations. Now my house looks empty!  A good excuse to go shopping if I wasn’t so broke!!!

    I trust that everyone had an equally wonderful time with their loved ones on this glorious holiday weekend. 

    Now let’s party!!!

    Please share your decorating, crafting, tutorial, and other related projects for another fun week!!!

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    1. Copy/paste the web address of the specific blog post, NOT your blog home page.

    2. Add a title to your project.

    3. Choose a picture that best shows your project.

    Please grab this button and add it to your post or sidebar.


    Dittle Dattle

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