Christmas Traditions with Friends

    Every December, I go on a Christmas, Historic Home Tour with two of my closest friends. It's a tradition I look forward to each year. Sometimes the tour is out of town, sometimes it's local...but wherever it is, we always have a blast. In years past, I've even decorated our "sleigh." One year it had battery powered lights running through the garland. Oh yes, it did! I'm crazy like that! :)

    We make a day of it. We do the day tour, then go for a leisurely, long dinner in a local restaurant where we talk about all the beautiful historic homes and decorations we saw on the tour. We catch up on each others lives...the successes, the losses, and everything in between.

    Then we head out for the Moonlight favorite part of the tour. We stand in front of the homes in the cool December night air and we laugh and joke. These are the best days...days spent with friends I love and care about.

    Do you have a fun tradition you share with friends? I know we all have those we share with our families, but I'd love to hear about the traditions you have with friends. Please leave a comment below...maybe you'll give us an idea for a new tradition to share with our friends. :)

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