I Did It!

    Every year I set a new goal for myself!  Some times it personal, some times financial, and some times educational 

    For 2010 I set a goal to go 365 days without a soda

    Just for your FYI, I don’t drink coffee or tea.  For months I claimed to be caffeine free!! 

    Until one day someone mentioned that I should check the ingredients in my vitamins.  Oh crap….. I’m addicted to my vitamins!!!    Yep, my one-a-day vitamins have 90mg of caffeine.

    But….. I can claim to be


    for one whole year!

    What do I drink?

    water, water, water

    and the occasional lemonade, milk, chocolate milk, or hot cocoa

    This wasn’t a big deal for me…. see I never drank much soda years ago.  In fact, if I had a soda it would be a Sprite, which everyone knows is caffeine free.   But a few years back…… 

    we started to travel a lot….

    and if you have small children…. you know it’s a lot easier to travel at night.  Well, I need something to keep me awake while I drove or better yet…… help the hubby stay awake while HE drove!!! 

    Of all the sodas, I was hooked on Mountain Dew! 

    This stuff shouldn’t be legal! 

    By the time we reached our destination or back home I couldn’t sleep!  It would take me a good 2 to 3 hours to come off my caffeine high!

    Well…..I started by giving up the DEW for something less toxic and then moved on to giving it all up!

    The first few months were the hardest…. (no shock there)

    but now I don’t think twice about having one….

    except….. on Pizza Night


    they go together like hugs & kisses!




    So the burning question is….

    Will I continue to be SODA FREE?


    Well, honestly I haven’t decided….

    But I DO know for sure,  I won’t ever let myself be addicted again!



    PS     Do you how the magazine articles say if you give up this ?????  for a year you could lose this ???? many pounds a year?  Well, that’s crap!  I didn’t lose any weight from just giving up sodas.   Okay, it’s probably my fault.  I gave the empty calories of soda and most likely replaced them with another form of empty calories, such as eating more chocolate!  ha

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