Keeping It Under Wraps

    When my kiddos were younger and still “believed”, I would go to great lengths to make it special.  Hoping all the way that they wouldn’t catch on….. and not find out who was the real Santa!   *wink * wink*

    You already know that I would kick off the month with a holiday Letter from Santa and an ornament engraved with the year sent in the mail!



    When it came to wrapping the gifts I would even have separate paper, bags, bows and tags from the ones that we would use for family and friends.  Insane I know!  

    I would buy the paper, bags, bows and tags the day after Christmas.  My thought is that they produce different designs each year and would greatly increase the odds of them see a similar one in the stores.  I honestly doubt that my kids were paying attention to wrapping paper designs from year to year…… but aren’t kids so smart these days?!?!?  I didn’t want to underestimate them and ruin the surprise.


    The real challenge was hiding the paper, bags, bows and tags for an entire year! 

    I even had to disguise my hand writing when writing out the gift tags.  With homeschooling, I was afraid that the children would recognize my hand writing!   Am I completely insane?!?!  Please please please……someone else out there tell me you go through great lengths too.  

    What we won’t do to fill Santa’s shoes.


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