Fabulous Party Guest!

    I want to express my gratitude to all who supported the Dittle Dattle first ever linky party!  There were over 80 entries!!! 


    Secretly I hoped and prayed that maybe I would have 25-30 entries for the first blog party.  On Sunday night I went to bed a nervous wreck.  Does anyone else get like that the night before they host a party?  Well if you’re insecure like me I guess you do.    So I’m tossing and turning and letting my mind run away, because all I could think is…. What have I done!  What if no one shows up? 

    But you fabulous ladies showed me so much love and support that I couldn’t have come up with a better name for the party.  You most certainly “Amaze Me” in everyway possible.

    When the hubby came home Monday night he began to look through the projects and the comments, then turns to me and says, “You have the nicest people that come and read your blog.”  And my response…., “I know.  I want to make them all family.” 

    I’ve had a fun and fabulous time being your hostess and you all were the most gracious guest anyone could ask for.  I hope to see everyone next Monday!



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