Amaze Me Monday Blog Party #3

    I love looking at all your projects, crafts, and decorating ideas!  You simply AMAZE ME with each of your fabulous talent!  Keep them coming. 

    A few that catch my eye this week

       The use of  Fresh greenery by  Savvy Southern Style

    Cocoa in an ornament over at From Glitter to Gumdrops

    When I first saw Andrea’s Christmas tree from Willow Wisp Cottage, I thought she stole the photo from a magazine! 

    For many wreath ideas, hop on over to Savvy Seasons by Liz!


    Please share your decorating, crafting, tutorial, and other related projects for another fun week!!!

    Linking up to the party is very simple.

    1. Copy/paste the web address of the specific blog post, NOT your blog home page.
    2. Add a title to your project.
    3. Choose a picture that best shows your project.

    Please grab this button and add it to your post or sidebar. 

    Dittle Dattle


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