More Christmas Kitchen

    A few more Christmas projects in the kitchen.

    Mr. Christmas Rooster

    Christmas Rooster Arrangement

    This little rooster I have had for a while.  I can’t remember where I got him from but he normal sets by my kitchen sink.  Now he sets proudly as my new table center piece!

    I love how this turned out!

    I filled the metal bin with floral foam and newspaper and then placed the Mr. Rooster in the center.  I had an old Christmas tree branch that I bent and wrapped around the base of the rooster.

    christmas arrangement detail

    rooster arrangement detail

    My Photoshop skills are getting better.  I removed my reflection from the red shiny ornaments!!

    Rooster Arrangement Basket

    I have had this tin container for years, it may have come from Michael’s, not sure.

    Christmas JOY garland & plates display

    Entrance from the kitchen to the living room, inspired by The Idea Room’s recent project using the word “JOY”.    The piece of garland that I picked up wasn’t as full as I wanted it to be so I doubled it on itself and twisted it together to create a fuller look.

    Christmas Box

    I created the bow in the center first and then added the ribbons from one end of the garland to the other end.     I wish I had one solid ribbon and one sheer instead of both being sheer but I guess it looks okay.

    Christmas Display details

    A little detail on the sides.

    JOY plate Christmas Decoration

    This is vinyl but you could do this on a computer by printing on red cardstock paper, cutting out, and using two-sided tape to adhere.

    Chrismas Garland with ribbon and plates

    Oh…….don’t worry…..your eyes are not deceiving you.  Yes, my kitchen ceiling is painted green.

    I’ve always wanted to add molding to this doorway.  A good project for 2011!

    Check out the rest of my Christmas Kitchen décor.



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