Amaze Me Monday #10

    Happy Sunday Everyone! 

    Wow…. where did the week go?  I hope everyone had a great week and weekend.  I’ve spent the better part of  my weekend in the craftroom sewing curtains for my son’s room!   They turned out great and I’ll be posting photos later this week.  

    Tonight I have an out of town house guest coming to stay with us for the week.   See my Hubby invited this west-coast guest to come and stay with us.  The problem….. I have never met this person.  Like don’t even know who they are!     So while the Hubby goes to work on Monday, I get to entertain, for the rest of the week!  This aught to interesting.    What do I talk about?  What do I cook for someone I don’t know?  Unfortunately, this is not the first time.  See I always say, “I can’t say NO to my Hubby and the Hubby can’t say NO to others”!  I have even gone as far as taking over the guest bedroom (aka “the craftroom”) thinkin’ this would solve the problem of unexpected guest but it HASN’T!  Please don’t think less of me.  If it was any of you ladies coming to visit I would be thrilled. See…..we would have something to talk about!  The Hubby’s guest…. I have nothing in common with! 

    Has your Hubby/partner ever done this to you?    


    Oh on another note….

    I have decided to stay with the larger linky photos.  I really like to see your projects as well as so many others.  All I ask, if it begins to take a really long time to upload the blog page, please leave me comment letting me know.  Thank you and thanks for linking up.


    This is so simple that it just caught my eye!  Thanks for linking up Junkin’ Junky

    Valentine frame 3

    A Vintage Vine does a fantastic knock-off memo board.

    Love the look of this chair slip cover by Gracious Southern Living.

    bed and chairs 005

    I’ve been following Michelle from Emerald Cove as she built her daughter this new headboard, however, I was shocked to find out that she built the new one over the old headboard.  Very clever girl!!


    I’m pretty sure I have everything I need to make this project!  Isn’t this just the sweetest Valentine’s art?!?!  Thank you Crafty Girls Workshop for sharing.

    I could get into some serious trouble with these in the house!  Do you know how easy it would be to loose count eating something this fun and delicious shared by Sweet Baby Hiccups??? 1, 3, 5,……oh no 10!



    Please share your decorating, crafting, tutorial, giveaways and other related projects for another fun week!!!

    Linking up to the party is very simple.

    1. Copy/paste the web address of the specific blog post, NOT your blog home page.

    2. Add a title to your project.

    3. Choose a picture that best shows your project.

    Please grab this button and add it to your post or sidebar.

    Dittle Dattle

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