A Sign?

    My Day:

    Meet friend for lunch.
    Shop with friend for office furniture in largest Pottery Barn in the United States.
    Say bye to friend.
    Head to Pottery Barn near home to drool over office furniture some more.
    Meet more friends in Pottery Barn, have fun visit.
    Leave Pottery Barn.
    Drive by TCBY on the way home.
    Go through drive-thru and order low-fat yogurt cone.
    Spot "Fudge Brownie Sundae" on menu.
    Change order to Fudge Brownie Sundae.
    Pull up to window and receive HUGE, chocolate-dripping, nut covered, Brownie Sundae.
    Pay employee and gawk at sundae.
    Wait while employee rings up purchase.
    While waiting, turn on radio.
    Commercial just ending, radio begins blaring, "Fat Bottom Girls."♫
    Eat sundae anyway. :)
    That is all.

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