Dinner Conversation Starter

    How’s your family dinner conversations?


    A few years ago, I decide that I needed to do something to spark our family conversations at dinner time. 

    Well, when you homeschool your three children and your with them 24/7 it’s hard to sit at the dinner table at night and make small talk.   See I can’t exactly ask the kiddos

    “What did you do at school today?” 


    “Did you learn anything exciting?” 

    Because I already now the answer!! 

    Now how am I going to have the “Clever” family dinners that I always dreamed of????? 

    Let me share an inside family joke……  before I had children, a naïve me  told my Dad that I was going to have Beaver Cleaver kids!  They would say yes Ma'am or no Ma’am and would always look and act proper.  Well now that I am a mom of three children and on the rare occasion (ha ha)  that they should act out, my father will KINDLY (ack ack ack..let me clear my throat) remind me of my earlier words!

    For the last few years we have used these 365 desktop calendars to help start a fun (yet educational) dinner conversation.  Everybody loves them and even dinner guest join can in on the fun.








    But as much as much as I have loved this idea, I was looking for something new for this year.  Something that’s quick, educational (always a bonus), and  fun for all ages. 

    While I’m lookin’….

    I’d love to hear if you have a creative way to ignite your family dinner conversations?


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