Financial Organization- Recommended Household Percentages

    One the most asked question I got after I posted my

     Dave Ramsey Financial Notebook

    was about the recommended percentages or guideline for major spending categories.

    Financial Organized Notebook spending percentages

    So to share with you Dave Ramsey’s general guideline for major spending {found in Financial Peace Revisited pg. 297}  without getting into legal repercussions for sharing beyond any release to a copyright, I found a site that has a printable with all the same recommended percentages that Dave offers in his book.   Click below.

    Recommended Spending Plan Percentages

    Once you plug in all your numbers and you see you that you are over in a category then you have two choices…

    1. Lower that number by cutting back on an expense or selling an item
    2. Increase your income to cover the difference

    heart scroll

    I know I’m crazy in some ways because I have even gone as far as creating my own little hand drawn pie chart!  Okay Okay…. if you use a fancy program like Quicken it will create a beautiful colored pie chart for you.   Remember, I like to keep it old school using pen and paper!

    I apparently have to much time on my hands….. ha ha


    I’m such a visual person, so seeing our percentages graphed out like this helps me.  The numbers inside the pie chart are my actual numbers and the numbers that I have outside the chart are my goal numbers or what I would like that inside number to be. 

    Hope this helps you keep your budget in check.


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