Amaze Me Monday #21

    Good Sunday evening to Ya’ll!

    I hope everyone had a safe weekend!  I know many parts of the southeast got hit pretty hard with some severe weather.   We had strong winds for several days and a good bit a rain mixed in.

    For the most part, I spent the weekend working on projects for Easter as well as projects for around the house.   My Dad came over a couple of times during the weekend to work on the shelf in the foyer. Sheet rock is hung and recess lights are in!  I’m now at the stage where I need to “mudd” the drywall.  yuck.  I don’t think I will be jumping out of bed in the morning to tackle this project.  In fact this coming week my kids will be celebrating their spring break! yeah!  I think I look forward to this week as much as they do!!!   Before I head to bed tonight I will be plotting all the projects that I hope to get done.

    Here are just a few of the AMAZING projects that caught my eye from last weeks party. 


    Laundry Room Wall Art by Girl in Air

    Strawberry Cream Cake by Moss and Clover

    Wine Cork Artwork by The V Spot

    Chalkboard Bunny by Can’t Stop Making Things

    Dreamy Hanging Bed by Life at Lake Camp

    Spring Wreath by Love Laughter and Decor

    Wax Paper and Wire Basket Chandelier by Thrifty Decorating

    Amaze Me Monday Blog Party Link Up

    Dittle Dattle

    Please some time to enter the FABULOUS Giveaway that I have going on now. 
    Natural Edge Elm Bowl

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