Tour an Historic Home Furnished with Gorgeous Antiques

    While we continue enjoying all the great links for yesterday's Met Monday, I thought I'd take you inside of the beautiful historic home where my garden club meets each month. But first, a little update on two small changes I made recently at BNOTP.

    Something New: Picture Links on Sidebar
    I just added picture links on the sidebar this week. They will take you to the same place the category headers across the top take you. They are just a "visible" reference...another way to find those previous posts.

    New Category: Favorite Posts
    I've added a brand new category called "Favorite Posts." The Favorite Posts category is a great place to access posts that were favorite reads with BNOTP readers but don't readily fit into one of the previous categories. :) I'll be adding more post links to this category this week. I hope the categories make it much easier to find those older posts.

    If you've never checked out the categories across the top of the blog or the newly added ones on the sidebar, hope you'll try them out. If you're looking for a particular post and don't see it, just drop me an e-mail at and I'll track it down for you and send you the link.

    Now....on to our home tour!

    Each month my garden club meets in this wonderful, two-story Victorian home. It majestically sits on over 3 acres of land, surrounded by beautiful gardens. The home was built in 1850 and was constructed with hand-made square nails and wooden pegs!

    What's say we go in and take a little tour. I love the paint color here in the entry. This home is furnished with some gorgeous antiques.

    I took these photos on two different evenings, so that's why some of the pics of the living room were taking during the day and some were taken at night. Actually, I'm kind of glad I did that because the walls really look different depending on if it's daytime or nighttime. Here's the nighttime view.

    And a daytime view...

    How do you like the corner cabinet?

    Here's a little close-up...

    Note the beautiful cabinet with storage for china. I wonder if that piece has a drop-down desk? It looks like it does.

    A closer look...

    This room also has a wonderful tall case clock.

    Here's the other end of the room. I love the arched doorways, heavy moldings and tall ceilings. ~~~SIGH~~~

    Even the bathroom is beautifully decorated.

    Not sure if this room is considered the library, music room or the parlor. I wonder if the colors they painted the rooms are historic colors. I love the beautiful blue color of the walls in this bright, sunny room. Great mirror, too.

    A beautiful piano...

    The dining room is painted a rather bold color...kind of a deep coral.

    Fabulous sideboard and mirror...

    Another amazing tall case clock. I love all the inlay on this piece.

    Isn't the chandelier pretty reflected in the mirror? :)

    Here's a better view of that great chandelier.

    Hope you enjoyed the tour of this wonderful, old home. If you'd like to tour more lovely historic homes, click HERE. Or, just click on the "Historic Home Tours" picture link on the sidebar.

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