San Francisco, Before the 1906 Earthquake and You are There: Amazing Video!

    Imagine. Imagine for a moment you have been transported back 105 years, back to the year 1906. You're in San Francisco and you are riding in the front seat of a streetcar, right up the middle of Market Street. What you are about to see is not a movie set. It is real!

    One week later virtually all the buildings on this street were reduced to rubble due to the 1906 Earthquake. This video just barely survived --it was mailed to NY the day before the quake occurred.

    I was so amazed by what a free-for-all it was on the streets. Apparently, horses, carriages, wagons, bikes, cars and people went/walked wherever they wished! I'm sure with the addition of more cars, that changed pretty quickly. I loved seeing the uniform of the policeman with his nightstick...and the cute little newspaper boys, selling their papers on the street.

    The streetcar in which you'll be riding is only going about 10 miles per hour. Prepare to be mouth was gaping open the whole time! People have NO FEAR of cars or street cars. The reason they are all staring at the streetcar is because there's a guy on there cranking this "state-of-the-art" video camera...the likes of which they had probably never seen. Thank goodness he did because it's a fascinating bit of film.

    Check out the clothing, the hats. I love the attire of the guy wearing the long overcoat that was slit way up the back and the breezes were whipping it around. We need to bring that look back. So dashing!

    You can access this amazing video in full-screen size by clicking, HERE. Turn on your speakers because the video is set to music. I think they could have chosen a better song than the one they did. It should have been something from the period. Just my two cents. :)

    Or, click below to watch it and then click on the four tiny arrows in the corner to enlarge it to full screen, if you like. I recommend watching it in full screen for the full effect of riding in the streetcar.

    It's a surreal experience watching this video because you realize all the people you are seeing are long gone now. In fact, they have probably been gone 50+ years since the life expectancy was around 47-50 years back then.

    Cars were newly available and even though it seems like there are a lot of cars in the video, it's the same 4 cars riding around and circling in front of the trolley. They were apparently asked to do that to add to the busy appearance of this already insanely busy street for the sake of this tape. OK, go watch now, I'll wait. :) Then come back to watch the one below that explains this fascinating piece of footage.

    Watch this link AFTER you watch the one above:
    You really need to watch the other link first, but after you watch the one above, click HERE to learn more about who made this video in 1906 and why. You'll also get to see how the street looked after the's unbelievable.

    You'll find a 2005 version of this ride, HERE. It's a bit different. ;)

    I'll be announcing the winners of the $100 Amex Giveaway and the copies of Gone with a Handsomer Man, real soon. There were 418 entries! Wow! It takes a while to count through all hang tight. Michael and I will have the names of the winners, soon.

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