A New Plan for the Office: Welcome to the 118th Metamorphosis Monday!

    I hope you've had a wonderful Easter weekend. I don't have a major "Before and After" to share for this Metamorphosis Monday, but I've made some pretty big changes regarding the layout of the office. I wasn't thrilled with where I hung the wrapping paper/craft center in THIS post. The shutter being partly tilted didn't bother me that much but it just made the window feel off balance. I hung it there originally because I wanted it to be close to a flat surface for wrapping.

    I took the craft organizer down and did something really crazy. I pushed all the furniture right up to the window. The office grew more than a foot. I had kept the furniture out about 15 inches so I could open and close the plantation shutters. But really, I virtually never close them. So here's the new plan.

    I'm going to buy another "Open Bedford Unit" like the one you see circled with the baskets....only I won't being buying the baskets this time. I will place it (along with a 2 drawer Pottery Barn file unit) at the other end of the desk where you see the arrow. Then the wrapping station will hang above that section and I won't have to scoot Max over to wrap or get crafty. :) Max is already loving the desk being even closer to the window...he can really see out now.

    I couldn't really do this before because I was short about 6 inches having enough room. But by giving up the ability to close the shutter panels, I gain the space I need. I love having the panels open all the time and rarely ever close them, so I think this will work just fine.

    This solution does a few other things, too. It gets the printer off the end of my desk (see very first pic in this post) because it will fit inside on the top shelf of the new open unit. I measured and it fits like it was made for it. Got lucky there.

    The open unit is actually designed to hold a printer or other office equipment. The top shelf has a hole at the back going to the lower section and the lower section has a hole going out the back. That's just the lens cover to my camera sitting on the shelf inside.

    And good news...I found a chandelier! Yay! It should arrive by the end of next week. Once it arrives, the contractor I use will come out and install it and the crown molding. I'll ask him to help me move that giant bulletin board again. UGH. Not sure I want to attempt that alone twice in one lifetime!

    Once the two units arrive, I'll rehang the wrapping station above them. I need to wait so I can get it just where it needs to go.

    I'm pretty excited about these changes. I'm not normally a "furniture lined up around the walls" kind of gal, as you can see HERE, HERE and HERE. But the Pottery Barn Bedford Office Collection just seems to dictate that...at least it's working out that way in this office.

    Eventually, I plan to add a small chest beside the green and white chair in this room and a large bookcase cabinet on the big open wall to the right of where you enter the room. Then the office will be complete...well, except for a little art on the walls. And maybe a rug. And a valance. It's a process. :)

    Oh, the red and green patio umbrellas came and I decided to go with the green. The red was bright red and I was concerned it would take away from the flowers I plant around on the deck, so I decided to stay with the green. I've already returned the red one to the local Home Depot store. That process was easy so if you are thinking of ordering online from HD, don't hesitate.

    The umbrella turned out to not be exactly like my old one. I don't think it's quite as nice...not as heavy as the one I had. But since it's lighter, it will be easier to bring inside to store during the winter months.

    Next up...getting the house pressure washed. It hasn't been done since the house was painted 3-4 years ago, so it's definitely time. Always something, right? How often do you get your home pressure washed?

    So that's what I've been up to this week. What have you been working on in your home?

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