It’s UP!

    Well, the first stage of the foyer wall shelf! 

    Foyer Shelf

    My Dad and I built the frame of the shelf on Sunday night….. okay my Dad did most of the work because it was at the end of the weekend and my brain couldn’t keep up with his!  LOL.  Then all week I had a little sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach wondering if I was making a huge mistake and this shelf would look awful.  But last night my Hubby and the boys put up the frame……… And I think this is dead on what the foyer needed.

    Do you see all that space between the door and the window?  Installing a 9 foot door helped, but it always looked awkward to me.    Now can you envision sheetrock, painted all out in white, beautiful crown moulding, and down lights???  It’s going to be fabulous!


    This won’t be a real blog if I didn’t include the REAL story about the hanging of this frame.  See my Hubby texted me during the day and said that he would hang the frame up for me that night because he and my son where heading out for a three day weekend.  That sounds great to me! So I ran down and got a couple pizzas for a quick dinner and placed them in the oven for when my Hubs got home.  Meanwhile, I thought I would kill some time waiting for him to get home in my Craftroom (which is up stairs) only to hear my daughter yell up the stairs that my teenage son and his friends ATE all the pizza!  Yes, all of it!!  Do you have a breaking point? Because my son and his friends just found mine.  Needless to say, there was a lot of yell, screaming, and plenty of dirty looks to go around the rest of the night.  My clueless son and his friends apparently didn’t think that the other 4 people living in the house needed to eat!   So while I face a long sleepless weekend (don’t sleep well when my Hubby’s gone and my son’s racing) they are glad they get three days away from me and hopefully I will calm down.  Silly I know…. getting upset about some eaten pizza……………………….

    Have a great weekend!


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