Historic Tyson-Stedham House Restoration, Part II: Welcome to the 116th Metamorphosis Monday!

    Greetings! Hope your weekend has been a fabulous one! I'm excited to share an update this week on historic Tyson-Stedham House, a wonderful Arts and Crafts home that's undergoing a complete restoration by Van der Fleet Designs and Restoration. Dustin (owner of of Van der Fleet Designs and Restoration) along with his dedicated crew, have been hard at work these past two weeks. They have made great progress as well as some wonderful discoveries during their restoration process.

    Before we revisit the Tyson-Stedham house, I want to congratulate Dustin. I spent last Saturday in Macon, Georgia attending the Georgia Trust Spring Ramble. While I was out and about rambling through gorgeous old homes, Dustin was being presented an award for Excellence in Rehabilitation! This is Dustin below with his mom, Karen. Congratulations, Dustin! What a tremendous honor!

    The award Dustin received was for his outstanding work on the historic E.M. Rogers home shown below.

    Metamorphosis Monday:

    This is Dustin's current restoration project: Historic Tyson-Stedham House in Adel, Georgia. You can see all the Before pictures of the exterior and interior of this home in this previous post HERE. I'll be posting periodically about the work Dustin is doing to restore this home as closely as possible to its original state while including conveniences like a fully functional kitchen and up-to-date baths.

    You may remember this back view of the home from my previous post. The old sleeping porch had unfortunately been closed in at some point. That odd little dormer window was a later addition, as well. Dustin and his crew got busy working on this area.

    Dustin told me, "Awesome news on the old beaten back porch. When we started tearing it apart we found the ORIGINAL 1912 sleeping porch under all the added layers of junk."

    Dustin even found the original windows! He said, "the cool thing about these windows is that they slide DOWN into the wall below them. This is standard practice for the old southern sleeping porches. So now the porch can be restored as it once was as a sleeping porch with fully restored and re-weighted original windows. Historically correct window screens will be made as well to make this room a four season room."

    I'll let Dustin take us through this process in his own words...take it away Dustin:

    We removed the layers of carpet, drywall and so much more to discover the original bead board and windows that had been covered for decades. Also under the layers of flooring was the ORIGINAL porch floor in decent shape.

    A long angle view of all the original aspects we uncovered in this back porch space. Within a few weeks this space will be light bright and airy space fit for any family to enjoy year round.

    A close up of one of the original windows that had been covered for decades. As I stated before the really cool thing about sleeping porch windows is that they slide down into the wall not up like most windows.

    A picture of the original porch tongue and groove ceiling that we found after ripping out the three drop ceilings that had been installed. The original ceiling is in rough but totally restorable condition. It's a full 12 to 14 inches higher then the drop ceilings that were in place.

    Returning to the work being done on the front porch. Here's a view of the porch before restoration began. Dustin said, "Massive termite damage occurred where the former owners stacked dirt up against the house and poured a concrete patio addition to the original porch. We will repair all the termite damaged wood across this entire section before rebuilding the porch."

    The demolition of the front porch and the concrete portion of the front porch. During this process we discovered that the concrete portion was not original! So we have demolished it and have begun to uncover the original house foundation. We will go back with the original porch and leave off the added portion to restore the porch back to its original status.

    My brick mason is coming along on the restoration of the original porch wall, while my lead carpenter Justin Holcomb is rebuilding the entire under structure of the termite infested half of the porch. The brick mason is laying the bricks that will restore the original porch wall. This wall has not been seen since the 50's or 60's as it was covered up and destroyed to put in an added concrete patio next to the original porch.

    When the previous owners has dirt stacked up high against the foundation and laid a concrete patio they opened the flood gate for termites which destroyed half of the porch.

    Dustin continues:

    One of the original porch columns needing desperate repair after we took out the added concrete patio and wall that was installed sometime in the 50's or 60's.

    Porch column restored to its original 1912 status by one of my brick masons.

    My lead carpenter, Justin Holcomb, putting in porch braces as we raced to get the under structure of the porch ready for its new flooring.

    Here Justin begins to install the new porch flooring and pop caulk lines for screws to be placed in perfectly straight lines on the porch flooring.

    Now he has laid the entire porch floor and popped all his chalk lines for installation of three inch deck screws.

    The porch after Justin has repaired the entire underneath support system and laid all of the new pressure treated flooring.

    Justin finishes his porch restoration and structural rebuild by installing the new pressure treated stairs to the front porch. All in five days work for Van der Fleet Designs and Restoration.

    The dirt has been removed and leveled and the porch has finally been restored to its original 1912 status. This project including the demolition of a concrete patio, the removal of all concrete from the patio, the restoring the original brick foundation, restoration of the original porch brick wall, dig out and ground leveling of all the dirt that was stacked in this area. It's now complete and my client loves the vintage look and open feel of the front yard.

    Newly restored original brick wall to the porch that had been destroyed is now complete. This wall has not been standing in at least five or six decades.

    Work has begun on the roof. Dustin continues:

    Day one of the roofers stripping the six layers of roofing off of the house, destroying the added dormer on the back of the house and addressing the rot issues on the roof with new plywood.

    You may remember from THIS previous post; the house had layers and layers of roofing!

    The back of the house stripped of its roofing, having all of its wood rot replaced, tar papered installed and ready for shingles.

    Here the roofers are ripping off the front layers of the roof and have discovered massive rot issues.

    The roofers have stripped all six layers of roofing and felt papered the front of the roof. while this picture also give a birds eye view of the newly removed concrete patio and all of the original brick foundation.

    Historically correct new facial boards replace the old rotted boards. These new facial boards are pressure treated lumber that will not have the same rot issues as the original boards. The large board is a 2 X 10 with a 1 X 4 pressure treated decorative board on top of it to give us the same historically correct look as the original boards had.

    The back of the house begins to have its Thunderstorm Gray 35 year architectural shingles installed.

    The roofers have completed the shingle installation on the entire back portion of the house. I selected 35 year architectural shingles in a Thunderstorm Gray color.

    The new Thunderstorm Gray shingles begin to be installed on the front of the house. With the installation of the shingles done, I can proceed to select my colors for the exterior repaint of the Tyson/Stedham house.

    Planning ahead:

    The new vintage Art Deco bath tub that we found on Craig's List that will be installed in the newly created master bathroom.

    A pair of vintage pedestal sinks we found and had delivered to the Tyson/Stedham House. These sinks will be used in each bathroom of the house.

    The upper portion of the vintage pedestal sinks with original hardware that will be used in each bathroom of the house.

    Dustin, thanks for taking us along again this week! It is so fascinating watching this old home coming back to life!

    Click HERE to view the very first post showing the interior of this Arts and Crafts home.

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