A Behind the Scenes Tour

    Sometimes the most fun stuff to see in a room redo are the things that are hidden from sight. So though I haven't hung this bulletin board, yet...

    Or, this cute shelf...

    Or, this wrapping center I shared HERE, I have been busy with a few other little things in the office. Come take a peek.

    Remember the steps I found for Max for only $10 at an indoor flea market HERE?

    I had Home Depot mix paint to match the desk in the office and now the steps reside here behind the desk.

    I like how they are hidden and out of the way. You can just barely see them behind the desk, if you look really hard.

    They got Mr. Max's seal of approval...

    It only took him about 3 trips up before he was scaling them like a pro.

    It takes a little finesse to haul 15 lbs up onto the desk. ;)

    Coming in for a landing.

    Another little addition...I found these organizer caddies in one of my favorite stores, HomeGoods. I'm pretty sure HomeGoods saw the chair I bought for my office and had these made just for me. ;)

    They fit like they were made for the drawers in the Pottery Barn "Bedford" desk.

    Are you familiar with the whimsical work of Ned Young? That's his artwork on the front of that little notebook.

    Funny! You can see more of his work HERE.

    I bought two of these organizers. The other one lives in the drawer at the end of the desk and holds backup supplies.

    It also holds scissors for the wrapping center that will eventually be hung on the wall nearby.

    Another addition to the office is a cute little window bird feeder so I can watch the birdies while I work. It's easy to fill. I just open the window next to it as you see here, and lift it off the mounting to fill it.

    It's been hanging three days and so far the birds haven't found it. I'm not sure if they will use it since I have two large feeders hanging off the deck/porch below. But I'm hoping...and waiting. :) It's called Garden Song® Dine Around Window Bird Feeder. Just click on the name to find it at Amazon where I purchased it.

    This picture cracked me up. It was uploaded to Amazon by someone who purchased the feeder. :)

    Has spring sprung in your area of the country? The trees are filled with their spring-green leaves here and every day is a blessing. Tell me...what are you up to this weekend?

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