Gone With a Handsomer Man Awesome Giveaway: Welcome to 138th Tablescape Thursday!

    Fabulous Giveaway with 11 Winners!

    Happy Tablescape Thursday! I have an awesome giveaway to share for this TT and there will be 11 winners! Yes, 11 winners, and one winner will receive a $100 American Express Gift Card! We're talking serious dish money! ;) Remember, you don't have to have a blog or be a blogger to enter a giveaway. Giveaways are open to all readers.

    Michael Lee West, author of 6 fabulous novels, including a delightful memoir, has written a seventh wonderful novel, Gone with a Handsomer Man. In honor of its recent release, Michael is generously sponsoring an awesome giveaway: A $100 American Express Gift Certificate! Wow! Just think of all the dishes and books you could buy with $100!

    Additional 10 Winners:
    But there's more! Even if you don't win the grand prize, five (5) lucky folks will receive a copy of Gone with a Handsomer Man, just released on April 12th. Five (5) additional winners will receive the Audiobook version of this "fun, funny and fabulous read" to quote Janet Evanovich.

    A "Never-Before-Seen" Exclusive just for BNOTP Readers!

    I'm so excited to share with you, readers of BNOTP, a secret that's been hidden and completely under wraps until tonight. You, my sweet friends, can actually play a part in helping pick the cover of Michael's next book in this delightful series featuring our heroine, Teeny Templeton.

    A Teeny Bit of Trouble is scheduled to be released in Spring 2012 and right now Michael's publisher is in the process of picking the cover that will grace her next book. So here's how you can help.

    Take a look at the three covers below and when you leave your comment to be entered for the $100 American Express Gift Card and/or a copy of Gone with a Handsomer Man, be sure to tell Michael and her Publisher which cover is your favorite of the three below: #1, #2 or #3. (Scroll down a little for a larger view.)

    Can you spot the differences from cover to cover? I've got my favorite! :) Which one is yours?

    If you've never read a book written by Michael Lee West, then you're in for a wonderful surprise. There's nothing better than finding a new favorite author, especially when they have written several books. You just want to rush out and buy everything they have ever written!

    Gone with a Handsomer Man was just released yesterday and here's what a number of well-known New York bestselling authors are already saying:

    "Gone with a Handsomer Man is hilarious, endearing, and tasty!"--Diana Gabaldon, New York Times bestselling author of the Outlander series.

    "Gone with a Handsomer Man is fun, funny, and fabulous!" --Janet Evanovich, New York Times bestselling author of the Stephanie Plum series.

    "In a story as delicious as the food she describes, Michael Lee West introduces us to characters I want to invite over for dinner. Sprinkled with startling insights, Gone with a Handsomer Man exposes secrets soaked with humor, mystery and redemption."-- Patti Callahan Henry, New York Times bestselling author of Driftwood Summer.

    Gone with a Handsomer Man is a SIBA Okra Pick, Pulpwood Queens bonus selection, Doubleday and Mystery Guild Book Club selections.

    In addition to endorsements from numerous New York Times bestselling authors, Gone with a Handsomer Man has also been endorsed by People Magazine and has received a much-coveted **starred** review from Library Journal and Agatha winner Harley Jane Kozak! Wow!

    $100 American Express Gift Card and 10 copies of Gone with a Handsomer Man

    The winner will be chosen via Random Number Generator, so the more times you enter, the more chances you have of winning. The first number chosen by the Generator will win the the Grand Prize of $100 American Express Gift Card.

    How to Enter the Giveaway for a $100 American Express Gift Card or a Copy of Gone with a Handsomer Man:

    For an opportunity to win, leave a comment on THIS post letting Michael and her publisher know which cover you liked best for the second book in this series, A Teeny Bit of Trouble.

    For a Second Chance at Winning: Like on Facebook
    For a Second Opportunity to win, "Like" Michael Lee West on Facebook HERE. Please leave her a comment on Facebook letting her know you are participating in the Giveaway here at BNOTP. Don't forget to leave a second comment on THIS post so you'll double your chances of winning either the grand prize or a copy of the newly released, Gone with a Handsomer Man.

    For a Third Chance at Winning: Like on Amazon
    For a Third Opportunity to win, "Like" Gone With a Handsomer Man" on Amazon HERE. Please be sure to leave another comment on THIS post so you'll triple your chances of winning either the grand prize or a copy of the newly released, Gone with a Handsomer Man.

    You can also enter a Fourth and/or Fifth time by Tweeting about this giveaway or by posting about it on your blog or sidebar. Just don't forget to leave a comment for each entry letting me know you Tweeted or Blogged about the Giveaway so your name will be entered a 4th and 5th time. Giveaway ends at midnight on Tuesday, April 19th.

    Remember, there will be 11 winners so lots of chances to win in this fun giveaway!

    Free e-Book written by Teeny:

    You can read and download a wonderful FREE e-book written by Teeny Templeton called Teeny Templeton's Kitchen Diary HERE .

    Michael blogs at Designs by Gollum. Stop by and say, "Hi." I know she would love to hear from you. :)

    Please Read:
    If you are participating in Tablescape Thursday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. To get your permalink, click on your post name. Then just copy and paste the address that shows up in the address bar at the top, into the "url" box for the picture linky. You'll also need to put your e-mail address in, but don't worry, it will not be visible to anyone.

    If you'd like to use the Tablescape Thursday logo button in your post, just copy and paste it to your computer and upload it to your post as you would any photo. Or, just grab the html code you'll find under the "Join a Party" heading at the top of this blog.

    Please, link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted for this Tablescape Thursday, thus increasing visits for all participants.

    Please, don't add your post name/blog name in ALL CAPS...it tends to create big spaces between the rows of links. Thanks!

    Let's try something fun today! Please visit the person who linked before you and after you...that way everyone will get some visits. Hope you'll visit more, of course. :-)

    Welcome! Thanks for coming to the party! Please don't forget to link back to this week's Tablescape Thursday party in your post, so your readers will find the party and your fellow bloggers and friends will receive lots of visits, too. : )

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