Weekend Wrap Up

    I didn’t included my weekend wrap up in the Sunday night blog party like I normally do because I wanted to show you some photos of our progress.  Yes, after 5 impatient weeks of asking the Hubby to install some outlets, I finally got 3 out of the 5 that I asked for!  He did such a good job too (no cussing and throwing of tools the entire weekend) !!


    I only had ONE outlet in the foyer and it was on the side wall leading into the living room.  The floor plan is too narrow to really put a table and have a lamp there.  It’s such an awkward place for an outlet.   As you entire the house, straight across the room from the entrance, is where I usually place a table or chest.  The lamp that I would set on the table was only for decoration as there was NO outlet to plug it in!  ha ha.

    Okay so four outlets in one tiny foyer is a bit much,  I have a plan…. I’ll reveal  it later to explain why I want outlets by either side of the door.

    About a year ago we updated our old builders front door with with this beautiful solid wooden door!   The old door opened up on the left hand side but our new door opens up on the right side, which left our light switches on the wrong side of the door.  So while he was installing new outlets for me, I had him change over the foyer light, outdoor lights, and the door bell switch!  Don’tcha just love a handy MAN?!?!?  He’s a keeper.


    Here’s where I got a little confused remembering which wire went where? 


    I did my part too……….

    I’m like the nurse to a surgeon…..  when the doctor says scalpel (in this case, wire-stripper) I’m right there to hand it to him.  Oh and I did crawl under the house once (even though I was advised not to.  Thanks for trying Becca.)

     We also got a few other things done on our my to-do list that probably should have been done many years ago!  Over all it was a good weekend spent around the house.Carrie

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