Styling by Coty Farquhar: Welcome to the 140th Tablescape Thursday!

    Hi Everyone!
    Happy Tablescape Thursday! I have a wonderful Giveaway this week for Tablescape Thursday. This giveaway will have 6 winners so lots of opportunities to win!

    I'm so excited to share the gorgeous and breathtaking designs of Coty Farquhar. Are you familiar with her blog, Styling by Coty Farquhar? If not, you are in for a wonderful experience!

    Coty lives in one of the most beautiful places you can imagine, the Southern Highlands of New South Wales in Australia. Her lovely studio is in the town Moss Vale. Even the name of the town sounds magical, doesn't it?!

    Coty designs, styles, produces and photographs all her own amazing work. I am so excited to announce she is currently working on a book! I can't wait to get my hands on her book! If it is one/tenth as gorgeous as the work I've seen on her blog, it will be amazing.

    Whether you are planning a wedding, anniversary, party or a special event, Coty can make it into a dream occasion with her talent for exquisite styling and presentation.

    Her beautiful blog is overflowing with inspiration and ideas.

    While I was drooling over her stunning photography earlier this week, I was so inspired I came up with an idea for a future tablescape I can create underneath my pergola. It's impossible to visit Styling with Coty Farquhar and not come away with at least a dozen new ideas for your home or an upcoming event.

    Tablescape Thursday:

    For this Tablescape Thursday, I'm sharing one of my very favorite tablescapes from Coty's blog. Coty had a rare day off from her design work a while back. While home, she glanced out to her back property and notice an apple tree covered with the last blossoms of the season. She was inspired to catch this fleeting moment before all the blossoms were gone for the year. These photos convey so beautifully how Coty can transport you to another place with her eye for design and gorgeous imagery.

    Giveaway for Tablescape Thursday:

    Coty is sponsoring a generous giveaway today for the readers of BNOTP. In her Studio in Moss Vale, she carries beautiful furniture, paintings, prints, collectibles and gorgeous jewelry. Coty wanted to do something special for BNOTP readers so she is giving away a pair of earrings to six very lucky winners!

    Coty sent over these beautiful images of the earrings; even her giveaway images are gorgeous! How I wish I lived in Moss Vale so I could visit the studio in person!


    I have to confess, I'm in love with those darling pearl earrings!

    How To Enter This Giveaway:

    To enter this giveaway, become a follower of Coty's gorgeous blog, Styling by Coty Farquahr. Don't forget to leave a comment on THIS post letting me know you are following so you'll be entered in the giveaway.

    For a Second Entry: Like on Facebook
    For a Second Opportunity to win, "Like" Coty Farquhar on Facebook HERE. Please leave Coty a comment on Facebook letting her know you are participating in the Giveaway here at BNOTP. Don't forget to leave a second comment on THIS post so you'll double your chances of winning.

    For a Third and Fourth Entry:
    If you like, you can also enter a Third and Fourth time by Tweeting about this giveaway or by posting about it on your blog or sidebar. Just don't forget to leave a comment for each entry letting me know you Tweeted or Blogged about the Giveaway so your name will be entered a 3rd and 4th time. Giveaway ends at midnight on Tuesday, May 3rd.

    Remember, there will be 6 winners so lots of chances to win in this fun giveaway!

    Looking forward to viewing your beautiful tablescapes!

    Please Read:
    If you are participating in Tablescape Thursday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. To get your permalink, click on your post name. Then just copy and paste the address that shows up in the address bar at the top, into the "url" box for the picture linky. You'll also need to put your e-mail address in, but don't worry, it will not be visible to anyone.

    If you'd like to use the Tablescape Thursday logo button in your post, just copy and paste it to your computer and upload it to your post as you would any photo. Or, just grab the html code you'll find under the "Join a Party" heading at the top of this blog.

    Please, link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted for this Tablescape Thursday, thus increasing visits for all participants.

    Please, don't add your post name/blog name in ALL tends to create big spaces between the rows of links. Thanks!

    Let's try something fun today! Please visit the person who linked before you and after you...that way everyone will get some visits. Hope you'll visit more, of course. :-)

    Welcome! Thanks for coming to the party!

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