Some Little Updates Around Here: Welcome to the 115th Metamorphosis Monday!

    I don't have a big Metamorphosis to share this week...only a little one. I spent today putting a second coat of primer over the mural wall in my "under construction" office. I think one more coat and I can start painting. Yay!

    You may remember yesterday I shared some steps I bought for Max at an "indoor yard sale." You can read about that HERE. I bought them to assist Mr. Max (yes, he's spoiled) with hoping up onto the end of the desk where he likes to stretch out while I blog.

    Here's how the steps looked when I bought them...

    After being painted with a stain blocking primer...

    And here's after one coat of Behr paint I had matched to a shelf from my desk in the office.

    Next week I'll have an update on historic Tyson-Stedman House. Dustin has been hard at work on the porches. Can't wait to share his progress.

    Lily Pad Cards:

    Do you enjoy creating beautiful cards and scrapbooking? Or, perhaps you've been wishing there was a great site for learning the art of card making. InLinkz, the awesome linking tool you see BNOTP using each week for blog parties has just launched Lily Pad Cards. They are hosting some awesome Challenges and Card Swaps. Imagine getting a beautiful hand-made card from across the country or even from another part of the world!

    I especially love their "how-to" videos that show step-by-step how to create wonderful cards for any occasion. Talk about a Before and After! I can see why scrapbooking and card making are so addictive. Here's a link to their latest video for a great summertime fun card.

    Metamorphosis Monday: If you are participating in Metamorphosis Monday: Please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. To get your permalink, click on your post name, then just copy and paste the address that shows up in the address bar at the top, into the "url" box for InLinkz.
    If you'd like to include the MM button in your post, just copy and paste the Met Monday button to your computer or grab the html code from underneath the MM logo under the "Join a Blog Party" header at the top of this blog.

    Please include a link in your MM post back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. Why is this important? When you include a link back to BNOTP, it ensures your regular readers/visitors will find the other awesome "Before and Afters" linked for this Metamorphosis Monday. If everyone links back, this maximizes the visits for all participants. Please DO NOT type in all spreads the links waaaay out. Thanks! :-)

    Let's try something fun today! Please visit the person who linked before you and after you...that way everyone will get some visits. Hope you'll visit more, of course. :-)

    Welcome! Thanks for coming to the party! Please don't forget to link back to this week's Metamorphosis Monday party in your post, so your readers will find the party and your fellow bloggers and friends will receive lots of visits, too. : )

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