Plato’s Closet Score!

    We are officially on spring break for the week! 

    We don’t have any BIG plans, we just plan on enjoying our time off doing the things we like to do or have been wanting to do!!!   Which for my teenage kids….. it’s  SHOPPING.  If you heard them talk you would think they were running around naked and I’m sure my teens are any different from anyone else’s teens because ONLY “name brand” clothes will do.

    Have you heard of place called Plato’s Closet?

    It’s a  shop that buys and sells only the latest styles in brand named clothing.  Plato’s Closet is geared for teens and young adults.  There are 3 (going to be 4) stores within an hours drive from our house!  I was telling my kids about the store and hoped they would have an open mind (you know how snobby teenagers can get?) and would be willing to check it out.  So we did and THEY LOVED IT

    I gave each of them a $100’s and here’s how they SCORED…….

    {Olivia’s Score}

    Olivia's Score collage

    Edit: one t-shirt missing from the photo due to being in the laundry.


    {Austin’s Score}

    Austin's Score collage

    Wowzer!!! Right?



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